Meet the team

Every member of Longpoint is part of the team, whether they have done one session or all of them. We all support each other's learning, dedication and enjoyment.  We all have stories and some of those are shared on our student pages and our blog. For new and prospective students we have created a page here so you can view who the Lead Instructors and Executive officers are so you can easily put a face to a name and see our inimitable styles.

Dave Allen


How long have you been doing HEMA:

When I started it was contemporary, not historical.

Which source do you love the most:

Ringeck, swiftly followed by Danzig. 

I have a soft spot for Mair and Fiore.

What do you do when not living the HEMA dream:

Dream of HEMA while designing global planning organisations.

Super Skill you bring to LP:

Energy fuelled by the love of swords and deployed in the medium of collaborative learning.

Super Kryptonite:

Anytime before my first coffee.

Why do you love your role:

I love seeing people get it. Sometimes it is that moment when the theoretical hits the hard reality of non-linear learning and it just works. Sometimes it is watching the students teaching each other. Most of the time it is both, having a club that works effectively where everyone wants the best for those around them and fostering an environment of fun, learning, and swords.

What is your least fun aspect:

We now have the perfect home at Brockington, but finding it was a journey etched into my soul forever!

Favourite weapon:

Starting a longsword club I feel obliged to say longsword! But, I have a soft spot for two-handed swords, daggers and halberds too.

How many swords do you own: 

Not enough. (not yet treble figures but we are getting there)

Which is your favourite?

Whichever one is currently on order.

Chloe Cronogue

Executive Officer LLP/ Also Employee 0

How long have you been doing HEMA:

I started solo training in late 2020 as a reason to get outside and learn something new, expanding on my background of over 10 years of re-enactment combat.

Which source do you love the most:

Ringeck for pure violence, although I have a soft spot or Meyer for putting on a show!

What do you do when not living the HEMA dream:

I’m an archaeologist by trade but in my spare time you can find me delving into whatever hyperfocus I’m currently living. At the minute it’s Womens Football…

Super Skill you bring to LP:

Mentoring - I love helping other people to be the best they can be.

Super Kryptonite:

My arthritic arm or my sporadic admin skills.

Why do you love your role:

I love seeing all the people who have shared their love of HEMA with our club having fun hitting their mates with swords.

What is your least fun aspect:

Maths and spreadsheets.

Favourite weapon:

I enjoy the versatility of longsword, so many people can use it effectively in different ways. I’m currently holding back a love of arming sword and buckler waiting for a deep dive.

How many swords do you own:

8… not including axes ect

Which is your favourite?

My first choice of longsword is a Kvetun Hubert when I picked it up I couldn’t put it down much to the disagreement of my bank account. 

Matt Spina

Lead instructor CLP

How long have you been doing HEMA: 

Started in 2000, back in the days of wooden wasters for training and weighted bamboo shinai for sparring/tournaments ????

Which source do you love the most: 

Ringeck or Paurñfeyndt. Both very useful to teach and to train!

What do you do when not living the HEMA dream:

Shockingly, I am a Church of England vicar! I’m also married with two adult children, and an crazy dog. My other hobbies include playing D&D, studying Ancient Greek history, and watching sport.

Super Skill you bring to LP:

Lots of experience teaching and running clubs.

Super Kryptonite: 


Why do you love your role:

Seeing someone “get it” is just awesome, especially when it’s someone who has previously struggled to do “the thing” correctly.

What is your least fun aspect:


Favourite weapon:

Longsword, closely followed by staff/spear.

How many swords do you own?

 8 or 10 steel and numerous synthetics of varying shapes and sizes.

Which is your favourite?

Albion Liechtenauer for drilling, SIGI Lichty for sparring


CLP Executive officer

How long have you been doing HEMA:

Since October 2022

Which source do you love the most:

Ringnek, most studied / Paurenfeyndt for his "Look, this applies to any similar weapon that you hold with that number of hands. I'm not going to list them all, and some of them have very peculiar names. Let's get on with it" approach.
What do you do when not living the HEMA dream:
Research material to post online (When demanding job, vivacious children, aloof cats, petulant dragons, perpetual housework, my main occupation as Dad's taxi / Wife chauffeur, and other callings permit.)

Super Skill you bring to LP:


Super Kryptonite:

Talent (or lack thereof) / Dad Bod.

Why do you love your role:

Gives me an excuse to nerd out about history, muck about with pictures and random facts.And keep tabs on what happening in the larger HEMA world.

What is your least fun aspect:

Being mocked by my children for my antiquated grasp of social media. Apparently no-one says "dab" anymore. Who knew?

Favorite weapon:


How many swords do you own:


Which is your favourite?

My Standard Feder from Regenyei Armory - 1st steel HEMA sword, gift from my family.(Toy sword for my 46th birthday - so cool!)